About me

More about me

Approaching challenges – implementing projects with an open mind, heart, and ear to help and delight people – that is my vision. 

Hi, I’m Laura – a passionate user interface and experience designer living in the beautiful city of Hamburg, Germany. In 2021, I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Intermedia Design from Trier University of Applied Sciences. At the very beginning of my studies I tried everything my degree programme had to offer – animation, illustration, screen design, film, and photography… As an open-minded, curious and determined person, I wanted to find something that I could pursue with all my heart. The variety of creative fields gave me the chance to realize what I really wanted to do – and ultimately dedicated myself to it completely: UI / UX design. 

Creating interactions, analysing users, finding out about their needs and building experiences that function and fit is my passion. Understanding the language of a brand or project and translating it visually in design is something I really enjoy doing. Throughout my still short career I worked on websites, apps, software, did redesigns and also worked for clients and in cooperation.

For the past year I have been contributing my experience and skills by supporting the further development of health care software with the conception and design of interfaces. A special focus of my work is user and usability research.  


In private

In my free time I express my creativity by writing my own songs and playing the guitar as well as doing photography. In this field I am very passionate about finding faces, expressions and photographing people in particular.


2021 – Today
UI / UX Designer at Dedalus Healtcare GmbH

2018 – 2021
Intermedia Design – Trier University

2016 – 2018
Media Studies – Trier University of Applied Sciences

Abitur (A Levels) – Sankt-Josef-Gymnasium-Biesdorf


  • Interaction Design
  • User Experience Design
  • Web / Mobile Design
  • App Design
  • User Research
  • Usability Testing
  • Prototyping


  • Adobe Creative Cloud (Adobe XD, Photoshop, Illustrator, Lightroom)
  • Sketch, Figma, Invision, Axure
  • WordPress
  • Jira, Confluence, Miro