App Design


“Maybe” – a word that expresses uncertainty as well as hope. In our stressful everyday life many of us tend to focus on the negative events that happen and the little wonderful moments easily get out of sight. By instantly collecting those moments in an interactive and multimedia diary, Y-Maybe helps focus more on those positive situations. 
No more wondering if maybe something good happened that day –
with Y-Maybe, you’ll know.

My role

  • User research
  • User testing
  • App Design
  • Interaction Design
  • User Experience Design 
  • Prototyping
  • Logo Design

About the project | Problem

It can be hard to focus on positive moments of the day when we’re under stress. But studies that are based in the field of positive psychology show, that actively remembering moments of joy can create a mental balance.
 Y-Maybe can help users to focus more on positive moments in their lives. Whether you are proud about something or saw something that made you happy. 
Y-Maybe is designed to be a personal diary of beautiful moments you can reach out to. 

The difference to other journaling apps | Solution

With Y-Maybe, users connect their personal moments to photos, videos, text messages or voicemails. Hearing your own voice and actually talking to yourself positively can also affect your thinking.
One of the core features of Y-Maybe is the bubble wrap screen that pops up when Y-Maybe is launched. This special foil seems to cause a positive feeling in people. That’s why I included this feature on the start screen – making  an entry is connected to the thought of having a funny gimmick. 


Live project

For this project, I was grateful to work in a team with a developer who actually coded the app for android devices. In that way I was able to learn a lot about the interaction between coding and designing a system and what actually can be put into practice. Y-Maybe hasn’t been launched in the Play store jet. Currently, it can be used on android devices by downloading a local file. 

Core Features

Bubble wrap

At the beginning users see a special bubble wrap screen. Here they can burst some bubbles just for fun. This feature enables a positive and fun start into the app. 


Users collect positive moments in their  every day life. These special moments are saved in an interactive calendar. The number of collected situations is displayed  at the top rim so it’s always visible how many nice moments the user has already had. 


Users can use a special button that shows random entries. That way users will be surprised without having to select a special moment themselves.


Through coloured marks the calendar shows on which days entries were made. 


Push-notifications remind users to use the app regularly. That way a positive mindset can become a habit. 

Inclusive design

In the future, Y-Maybe should have a special mode for people with visual impairments. Vibration, voice to text and  contrast as well as colour settings for people with colour-blindness will be included. 


Y-Maybe offers a variety of ways to record entries. This can be done by writing a text message, record a video or a voicemail or taking a photo.  


Settings allow users to adjust the app to their needs (Turn off notifications, change colour settings, contrast settings, bubble wrap on / off).



User Interviews

Interview and Results

For this project, I invited five people to answer my questions in an interview. The interview was about finding out which features users like and can imagine in the app. I also asked them questions about having and using a diary and if they can imagine using Y-Maybe on a daily basis. As a result, I could determine an audience for the app and use the information to reconsider my strategy as well as the features Y-Maybe should have. 

User testing | Interview


The finished design